Thursday, December 4, 2014

Publishing The Cache

I have decided to look into publishing the first 15 chapters as Volume One. I am exploring pricing and plan on including a prologue, as well as many small and large edits from the original online version.

I will be using Lulu at first, and maybe someone will notice it and "volunteer" to publish it for a wider audience.

Many of you have expressed a desire to purchase a printed copy, so my question to you my dear readers, is how many would like a print copy versus an e-book?

I will sell the print copies through my paypal account and will announce on this site when they are available. The price will be in large part dictated by the demand. I may even offer signed copies. The e-book version may be an Acrobat document, Kindle or whatever format seems best or most popular.

I have added a Poll to accumulate your choices, so please choose your format if you want to receive either of these.

Thanks for your continued interest in "The Cache" (pronounced "cash")


  1. ...hey Brother, long time no type...count me as an "i would buy it" vote(voted) me old fashioned, i have very few 'e-books', mostly they're sections of manuals used as reference me books need to be held, pages turned and corners folded...'sides, what good is electronic media when the balloon goes up and the grid is down...

    1. Hiya Ken! Glad to see you still around. Yeah, I like my books printed too. I do see a place in a prepper/survivalists inventory for electronic media. With the start of a new Cold War, the possibility of the Balloon going Up is certainly there again.

  2. Hard choice so I'd elect to offer both - each has advantages. I'm glad you decided to do this - its a great story in my opinion.

  3. I'd like an e book (Kindle or pdf) version for the different volumes but a hardback for the complete story. Just wish the chapters were a leeetle faster to be published. But keep writing!

    1. It's been a non-paid position to this point, taking a back seat to prepping and life. My health has been suffering the last few years, sapping my will to doing more than go to work and crawl into bed after. I have been feeling a bit better of late and have a bit more energy than before. Publishing Volume One will hopefully spur on Volume Two sooner.

  4. ...Merry Christmas Scout, May God Bless The Whole Clan with a Joyful Holiday...

    1. Thanks Ken! And I wish you and yours the same. May the holiday give you rest and the new year bring you the Lord's blessings.

  5. Been gone for a while, and just now getting caught up.

    My personal preference would be a print edition. My burgeoning bookshelves need more books!



    1. Welcome back Bob!
      I like books you can hold too!
