Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Cache - Intro - Whispers

In a darkened room...
Two low voices confer...

We have to do something about them! The sooner, the better! Just who do they think they are?
The filthy cracker rabble!

What are you thinking should be done, sir?

I don't know!
Round them all up and shoot them?
Stick them in the Camps? They are ready, right?  
This is seditious... treasonous... anarchistic behavior and it must be stopped! They have gone too far! The incredible gall to actually criticize my morality... my wife’s actions, my... my children!

Well, there is something we have been working on sir...

Really? What is it!

Well, it was designed for a different contingency than this, something a little more overt such as an actual attack on the Government, or a Race War, such as what we are currently brewing.

Go on man, tell me more!

If it goes wrong, it could bring down the administration, or force us to declare Martial Law!

I don't care. As long as they don't mess up my vacation plans!
So, Spill it!
Fill me in on all the details!

Well sir, it goes like this...


So... what do you think? Will it be a go?
Or do you want more time to think about it?

Yes, I like it overall, just add in the details we discussed and get it implemented ASAP!
I want those bastards to pay! All of them!

Yes sir, Mr. President!

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