M.D. Creekmore has an fairly in-depth article over on his blog titled "How to Survive and Thrive in the City". Now I must admit that I just skimmed over it quickly due to time constraints (and being sick with a cold), but it appeared to be a good article worthy of your time.
I plan to read it over a hot chocolate this afternoon after I get off work. Give it a read, I think you will enjoy it. http://thesurvivalistblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/urban-survival.html
Right after it quit snowing, we got a pineapple express to firehose us and rapidly melt our snow, causing some of the worst flooding conditions that I can remember for some time. Interstate 5 was closed in multiple places, and all the passes were closed by snow removal and avalanches. I think this is going to be more of the normal weather patterns in the future, and the mild maritime climate will be replaced by extreme weather. Time will tell if I am right.
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